.jpg)
1.
Always
choose
kindness
and
compassion
over
aggression
and
animosity.
【温柔,是你我共同的选择。
】
2.
May
your
heart
always
be
filled
with
love
and
your
actions
with
tenderness.
【愿你满心爱意,行动温和。
】
3.
Let
your
words
be
soothing
and
your
touch
gentle,
for
they
have
the
power
to
heal
and
strengthen
others.
【言语软化,触摸温柔,这便是治愈和增强他人的力量。
】
4.
In
a
world
full
of
chaos
and
cruelty,
may
you
be
a
beacon
of
gentleness
and
light.
【在这个充满混乱和残忍的世界中,愿你成为温柔和光明的灯塔。
】
5.
When
faced
with
conflict,
choose
peace
and
understanding
over
hostility
and
anger.
【面对冲突,选择和平与理解,而不是敌意和愤怒。
】
6.
Treat
yourself
and
others
with
kindness,
for
it
is
the
foundation
of
every
healthy
relationship.
【以温柔心待自己,也待他人,这是每个健康关系的基础。
】
7.
Let
your
actions
speak
louder
than
your
words,
and
let
them
always
communicate
gentleness
and
love.
【行动胜于言辞,愿它们总是传递着温柔和爱。
】
8.
When
you
encounter
someone
going
through
a
difficult
time,
offer
them
a
kind
and
listening
ear.
【当你遇到那些正在经历困难的人,给他们一只温柔的耳朵。
】
9.
Practice
empathy
and
understanding,
for
everyone
has
a
story
and
struggles
that
we
may
not
know.
【要践行同理与理解,因为每个人都有自己的故事和挣扎,我们未必能够了解。
】
10.
Believe
in
the
transformative
power
of
love
and
gentleness,
for
it
can
change
the
world.
【相信爱和温柔的转化力量,因为它可以改变世界。
】
11.
Always
be
mindful
of
your
words
and
actions,
for
they
have
the
power
to
inspire
or
hurt
those
around
you.
【时刻留心言辞和行动,因为它们有能力激励或伤害身边的人。
】
12.
See
the
beauty
in
everything
and
everyone,
and
always
approach
them
with
a
gentle
heart.
【看到一切和每一个人的美好,总是以温柔的心态对待他们。
】
13.
Be
patient
with
yourself
and
others,
for
growth
and
healing
require
time
and
tenderness.
【对自己和他人保持耐心,因为成长和愈合需要时间和温柔。
】
14.
Create
a
safe
and
nurturing
environment
for
yourself
and
those
around
you,
filled
with
love,
gentleness,
and
acceptance.
【为自己和身边的人创造安全和滋养的环境,充满爱、温柔和接纳。
】
15.
Never
underestimate
the
power
of
a
smile,
a
kind
word,
or
a
hug.
They
can
make
all
the
difference
in
someone's
day.
【永远不要低估一张微笑、一句友善的话或一个拥抱的力量。
它们可以使别人的一天变得不一样。
】
16.
Practice
forgiveness
and
compassion,
for
they
are
essential
to
a
life
filled
with
peace
and
joy.
【践行宽恕和同情,因为它们对充满平静和快乐的生活至关重要。
】
17.
Cherish
those
who
bring
gentleness
and
kindness
into
your
life,
and
return
the
favor
in
equal
measure.
【珍惜那些给你带来温柔和善良的人,回报他们同样的关爱。
】
18.
Speak
truthfully
and
authentically,
but
always
with
gentleness
and
respect.
【真诚和真实地说话,但始终以温柔和尊重的方式。
】
19.
Treat
yourself
like
you
would
treat
a
dear
friend,
with
love,
gentleness,
and
compassion.
【像对待一位亲密的朋友一样对待自己,以爱、温柔和同情。
】
20.
Remember
that
everyone
deserves
love
and
kindness,
and
together
we
can
create
a
world
that
reflects
these
values.
【记住每个人都值得爱和善良,我们可以共同创造一个体现这些价值观的世界。
】