1.
Losing
a
friend
is
like
losing
a
part
of
yourself.
【-Anonymous】
2.
The
pain
of
losing
a
friend
is
unbearable.
【-Unknown】
3.
Breaking
up
with
a
friend
can
leave
a
scar
that
never
fully
heal.
【-Unknown】
4.
Losing
a
friend
is
like
losing
a
piece
of
your
heart.
【-Unknown】
5.
It's
difficult
to
move
on
when
a
friend
you've
relied
on
is
no
longer
there.
【-Unknown】
6.
Losing
a
friend
is
one
of
life's
greatest
sorrows.
【-Unknown】
7.
How
do
you
go
from
being
friends
to
being
strangers?
【-Unknown】
8.
The
memories
with
a
friend
now
feel
like
a
distant
dream.
【-Unknown】
9.
Losing
a
friend
can
make
you
realize
how
much
they've
meant
to
you.
【-Unknown】
10.
It's
hard
to
imagine
a
future
without
a
friend
who's
always
been
there.
【-Unknown】
11.
Friendship
is
precious
and
should
never
be
taken
for
granted.
【-Unknown】
12.
The
pain
of
a
friendship
ending
can
be
worse
than
a
romantic
breakup.
【-Unknown】
13.
Losing
a
friend
can
leave
you
feeling
lost
and
unsure.
【-Unknown】
14.
true
friendship
is
one
that
can
overcome
any
obstacle,
but
unfortunately
not
all
can.
【-Unknown】
15.
The
thought
of
never
seeing
a
friend
again
can
be
devastating.
【-Unknown】
16.
Friendships
are
meant
to
last
forever,
but
sometimes
they
don't.
【-Unknown】
17.
Losing
a
friend
can
make
you
question
why
you
let
them
go.
【-Unknown】
18.
Friendship
is
a
beautiful
thing,
and
losing
it
can
be
tragic.
【-Unknown】
19.
The
pain
of
losing
a
friend
can
linger
for
years
to
come.
【-Unknown】
20.
It's
hard
to
believe
that
someone
who
was
once
a
friend
can
now
be
a
stranger.
【-Unknown】