1.
Love
knows
no
language
barriers.
】
2.
Je
t'aime,
no
matter
what
language
we
speak.
】
3.
El
amor
es
el
idioma
universal
del
corazón.
】
(Love
is
the
universal
language
of
the
heart.
)
4.
Amore
non
conosce
confini
linguistici.
】
(Love
knows
no
linguistic
boundaries.
)
5.
Die
Liebe
kennt
keine
Sprachgrenzen.
】
(Love
knows
no
language
borders.
)
6.
Amor
não
tem
fronteiras
linguísticas.
】
(Love
has
no
linguistic
boundaries.
)
7.
L'amour
parle
toutes
les
langues.
】
(Love
speaks
all
languages.
)
8.
Amore
è
più
forte
della
lingua.
】
(Love
is
stronger
than
language.
)
9.
Liebe
versteht
man
auch
ohne
Worte.
】
(Love
can
be
understood
without
words.
)
10.
El
amor
no
necesita
palabras
para
florecer.
】
(Love
doesn't
need
words
to
blossom.
)
11.
Amour
transcende
les
mots.
】
(Love
transcends
words.
)
12.
amor
é
um
idioma
mágico
e
indescritível.
】
(Love
is
a
magical
and
indescribable
language.
)
13.
Liebe
ist
eine
stille
Verbindung
zwischen
Herzen.
】
(Love
is
a
silent
connection
between
hearts.
)
14.
L'amour
est
une
symphonie
silencieuse.
】
(Love
is
a
silent
symphony.
)
15.
Amor
é
uma
canção
do
coração.
】
(Love
is
a
song
of
the
heart.
)
16.
El
amor
es
poesía
sin
palabras.
】
(Love
is
poetry
without
words.
)
17.
Liebe
ist
der
Schlüssel,
der
alle
Sprachschranken
durchbricht.
】
(Love
is
the
key
that
breaks
all
language
barriers.
)
18.
L'amour
est
le
lien
qui
unit
les
âmes.
】
(Love
is
the
bond
that
unites
souls.
)
19.
Amor
é
o
fio
que
tece
corações.
】
(Love
is
the
thread
that
weaves
hearts.
)
20.
Love
speaks
through
the
language
of
the
soul.
】