1.
"Tears
are
the
silent
language
of
grief.
"
【催泪故事,最动人的悲哀一语】
2.
"Love
is
never
lost.
If
not
reciprocated,
it
will
flow
back
and
soften
and
purify
the
heart.
"
【伤感情节唤醒你的心思,悲欢离合总在人生】
3.
"Sometimes,
the
heart
sees
what
is
invisible
to
the
eye.
"
【眼泪分不出悲喜,只有心痛才能体会】
4.
"The
hardest
thing
in
life
is
to
watch
the
person
you
love,
love
someone
else.
"
【爱情没有如果,曾经的你漸行漸远】
5.
"Even
if
we
can't
be
together
in
the
end,
I'm
still
grateful
for
all
the
moments
we
shared.
"
【别离难免,回忆总是美好的】
6.
"Sometimes,
the
only
way
to
let
go
is
to
love
someone
enough
to
want
the
best
for
them,
even
if
that
means
you're
not
included.
"
【放手是一场豁然开朗的解脱】
7.
"Heartbreak
is
like
a
giant
wave
that
swallows
you
whole,
and
it
takes
time
to
resurface
and
breathe
again.
"
【心碎如海,决口不下,需要时间和勇气重新站起】
8.
"I
don't
know
what
did
to
deserve
someone
like
you,
but
know
I'll
never
find
anyone
who
could
replace
you.
"
【爱情终将离别,永恒的留念属于你我之间】
9.
"Letting
go
doesn't
mean
giving
up,
it
means
accepting
that
some
things
were
never
meant
to
be.
"
【爱,到头来,就是一个心口难倒的字】
10.
"The
saddest
thing
about
love
is
that
it
never
ends
the
way
we
want
it
to.
"
【爱情终将走向尽头,唯有再次相遇能终身无怨】
11.
"Sometimes
love
hurts,
but
it's
always
worth
it
in
the
end.
"
【爱,不问对错,只存痴心】
12.
"The
only
thing
more
tragic
than
falling
out
of
love
is
never
falling
in
love
in
the
first
place.
"
【不爱,不伤;爱,才会有离别的遗憾】
13.
"There's
nothing
quite
as
devastating
as
realizing
the
person
you
love
doesn't
feel
the
same
way.
"
【爱上一个人并不难,难的是得到他的真心】
14.
"The
best
thing
about
love
is
that
it
never
truly
ends,
it
lives
on
within
us
forever.
"
【回忆犹在,余温未散,爱情流淌在心里】
15.
"Some
people
come
into
our
lives
only
to
teach
us
how
to
let
go.
"
【每段路,都是我们前进的姿势和癖好】
16.
"There's
a
difference
between
giving
up
and
knowing
when
enough
is
enough.
"
【坚持与放弃,都是一种选择】
17.
"In
the
end,
what
hurts
the
most
is
not
the
pain
or
the
sorrow,
but
the
memories
that
haunt
us
forever.
"
【回忆是一种折磨,思念是一种痛】
18.
"The
best
way
to
get
over
someone
is
to
realize
there's
no
such
thing
as
a
perfect
relationship.
"
【最好的爱情,就是长长久久】
19.
"No
matter
how
much
we
try
to
hide
our
pain,
it
always
finds
a
way
to
seep
through
the
cracks.
"
【痛苦是沉默的呐喊,回忆是永恒的挥别】
20.
"Heartache
is
consuming,
but
it
also
teaches
us
how
to
love
more
fully
and
deeply
in
the
future.
"
【痛苦是一种磨练,成长需要经历痛苦的洗礼】