1.
"Be
gentle
with
yourself,
you're
doing
the
best
you
can.
"【温柔的自我呵护】
2.
"There's
power
in
looking
vulnerable
and
soft.
It
may
be
terrifying,
but
at
least
its
authentic.
"
【展现脆弱本真的美丽】
3.
"A
single
act
of
kindness
throws
out
roots
in
all
directions,
and
the
roots
spring
up
and
make
new
trees.
"【温柔的爱心点燃希望之花】
4.
"In
a
world
where
you
can
be
anything,
be
kind.
"【用温柔赢取世界】
5.
"Kindness
is
the
language
which
the
deaf
can
hear
and
the
blind
can
see.
"【温柔是一种环绕式的语言】
6.
"Empathy
is
seeing
with
the
eyes
of
another,
listening
with
the
ears
of
another,
and
feeling
with
the
heart
of
another.
"【温柔的共情,理解他人】
7.
"The
greatest
gift
you
can
give
someone
is
your
kindness
and
understanding.
"【用温柔点亮别人的生命】
8.
"The
simple
act
of
caring
is
heroic.
"【没有温柔的关爱,无法真正做到英雄】
9.
"A
kind
gesture
can
reach
a
wound
that
only
compassion
can
heal.
"【温柔细节,治愈生命的创伤】
10.
"Be
someone's
sunshine
when
their
skies
are
gray.
"
【用温柔成为他人生活的色彩】
11.
"In
a
world
full
of
hate,
be
a
light
of
love.
"【温柔的爱心,照亮黑暗世界】
12.
"Love
and
kindness
are
never
wasted.
"【温柔的爱意不会被浪费】
13.
"The
more
you
extend
kindness
to
yourself,
the
more
it
will
become
your
automatic
response
to
others.
"【先从温柔的自我开始,让温柔成为你的本质】
14.
"Warm
hearts,
warm
hands,
warm
tea,
warm
welcome.
"【温柔的欢迎和热情,让生命更温暖】
15.
"The
greatest
healing
therapy
is
friendship
and
love.
"【温柔的友谊和爱情,唤醒希望的力量】
16.
"I
have
learned
silence
from
the
talkative,
tolerance
from
the
intolerant,
and
kindness
from
the
unkind;
yet
strangely,
am
ungrateful
to
these
teachers.
"【从与自己不同的人身上,汲取温柔的智慧】
17.
"Be
the
reason
someone
smiles
today.
"【用你的温柔成为他人生命的阳光】
18.
"Treat
everyone
with
kindness
and
respect,
even
those
who
are
rude
to
you.
"【用温柔驯服那些不善良的人】
19.
"Our
job
in
this
lifetime
is
not
to
shape
ourselves
into
some
ideal
we
imagine
we
ought
to
be,
but
to
find
out
who
we
already
are
and
become
it.
"【寻找真正的自己,才能用温柔对待自己和他人】
20.
"The
best
way
to
find
yourself
is
to
lose
yourself
in
the
service
of
others.
"【用温柔的服务,寻找自己的本质和意义】